Yesterday the nurse from the doctor's office called and wanted me to come in for another Hcg test. I went in this morning to the lab, and AFTER they drew my blood, they told me that they didnt have an order for it. So I went across the street to the OB's office to get an order. As I was pulling in to the parking lot, I saw my doctor pulling in to. So I talked to her in the parking lot. The nurse that called yesterday didnt know why she ordered a third test, so this was an awesome way to get the scoop. The doctor walked up to the office with me and was telling me about my numbers and stuff. She said she just wanted to make sure that they were doubling as they should because they are a little lower than she would like to see, but are still within normal limits. So she ran in and signed an order for me and I ran it back to the lab. The doctor also told me that her 9 month old son had a 102 fever. I ran some errands, then by 4pm they still hadn't called back yet. They closed at 5, stop doing calls at 430. So I call a few times, and dont get any answers. So I just went down there. I get to the front desk and ask for my results. The lady goes back to find a triage nurse. Another woman came up and asked me what I needed, I told her and she went to go hunt down my results. Then a third woman came up and started asking questions. At this point my sister's cell rings and it is the doctor's triage nurse calling with my results, and wanted to know if I had gotten my ultrasound done today. I told her that was the first I had heard of an ultrasound and was in her lobby. So she just came out to talk to me. She told me that they were supposed to order an ultrasound, but because the doctor went home early to be with her son, things were crazy. I understood, but was still freaking out because I didnt have my numbers. By this point I am getting frustrated because nobody was answering any questions, just giving me more questions. Like what the heck they meant by did I have my ultrasound yet when that is the first I had heard about it. So I started bawling (hormonal much?!) right there in front of those three women and my sister. So they told me my number today was 1233, and showed me the notes that the doctor had written down to tell me. The note said "Tell her that her numbers look good, and I am very pleased with the way they are rising. Tell her I want an ultrasound done to check dates." So I calmed down, and the women reassured me that I was not the first pregnant lady to cry in their lobby. LOL! I then was able to schedule my ultrasound for Monday at 1250. I am excited!