Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

I am finally pregnant again! I am still in shock. I took a test yesterday morning fully expecting it to be negative. I could not believe it when it had a little plus sign. So I took a second test. It said postive too! So I took a third test LOL! It was a digital and said "pregnant". I called the doctor right away, and they quickly got me in for a beta HCG draw. My HCG today was 47. The nurse said she believes I am about three weeks pregnant and due November 17th or 18th. I am unbelievably excited and happy.
So far I have heartburn pretty bad, and cannot believe how tired I am. I have also felt really sick in the mornings for the past few days, had cramping, and today for lunch I had a crispy ranch snackwrap from McDonalds dipped in BBQ sauce mixed with Sweet and Sour sauce and it was the best thing I have ever had in my life. lol!

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